
How To Make A Homemade Short Term Permanent Tattoo

Temporary tattoos are fun and very exciting! Well, until you realize you lot're spending tons of coin just to keep yourself entertained with some temporary tattoos that will last you a calendar week or two at best. If you're tired of spending your money on temporary tattoos (or real ones likewise), nosotros've got you covered. In the following paragraphs, we'll share with you some tips and tricks you can utilise to brand your own temporary tattoos in no fourth dimension. So, lay down, relax and let'due south go through these temporary tattoo DIY instructions.

How To Make Your Own Temporary Tattoo: 3 Methods

1. Eyeliner Tattoo

Ladies and gentlemen, especially ladies, here'south the beginning groundbreaking discovery; eyeliner tin exist used to describe 'lines' on other parts of the body rather than but the eye. Incredible, right? Well, we all know that of form. But, for existent, you lot can utilize an eyeliner to depict a temporary tattoo directly onto your body, wherever yous desire. If yous're interested in this method, here'south how you'll do information technology;


  • Purchase a new eyeliner; if y'all have an eyeliner that you use on your face, well, y'all cannot utilise information technology for cartoon fake tattoos. Unless yous plan on buying a new ane for your eyes, make certain to use a clean eyeliner for this journeying.
  • Avoid buying liquid eyeliners; they will be hard to use for details since they're harder to control and even harder to become remove from the skin.
  • Make sure your target body area is clean and preferably hairless; if the area is hair-costless, the eyeliner has a better chance of sticking and staying on the pare. It will also exist easier to execute any blueprint and details when the surface is smooth.


  • Come upward with a design or look for inspiration elsewhere; either way, have a pattern in mind that you lot're going to use.
  • Draw the design onto your skin straight, using the new eyeliner.
  • Brand sure to be patient and steady, then yous avoid making mistakes.
  • Once y'all're satisfied with the design, utilise hairspray to coat the tattoo; a thin layer should exist enough

The eyeliner tattoo should concluding betwixt three and v days, in case you do not expose information technology to h2o for case. If y'all want to get rid of the 'tattoo', simply wash the area using lukewarm water and some soap. After you're washed, tap dry out the surface area and moisturize it to help the skin retain moisture.

2. Printing Your Own Tattoos

In case you're not very skilled in drawing real-life tattoos with eyeliner, don't worry. You tin only print out your tattoo and use information technology using some wet. If it sounds easy, well, that'south because information technology is. So, for this method, y'all will, of course, need a printer, a water slide paper and a design of your pick. Hither's how the process will get;


  • You cannot impress the tattoo onto regular paper. So, brand sure to buy some h2o slide paper for the best outcome. You tin lodge h2o slide paper online, or purchase information technology in-store.
  • Set up some scissors to cut out the design, a cotton fiber ball, and some h2o.


  • For the outset pace, brand sure to consummate a blueprint for the tattoo. You can draw some inspiration for existing tattoo designs, but it is always better to create original work. Use Photoshop to alter the blueprint to your liking or any other photograph-editing awarding.
  • Place the water slide paper in the printer and print out your design.
  • Use scissors to cutting out the design; attempt not to cut besides close to the tattoo, so yous don't disturb the outer lines.
  • Apply the design/paper onto the skin.
  • Dampen the cotton wool ball and utilize information technology onto the paper; hold for 20/thirty seconds, or until the design has transferred onto the pare and the paper slides off.
  • Tap dry the 'tattooed' area using a newspaper towel; brand sure to be very gentle and let the tattoo also dry on its own.

This tattoo should last you anywhere betwixt 4 and 7 days, depending on how practiced of a job you did applying it. The tattoo volition last longer if it was applied to clean, smooth and hairless skin.

When it comes to removal, you tin go rid of this tattoo using some rubbing alcohol or any oil-based pare production. Just put some of the product onto a cotton fiber brawl and use information technology to rub the tattoo off the skin. Or, you tin can only allow the tattoo peel off on its own if you're patient.

Tip: After y'all print and cut out the design, you can as well place the paper in some water for 1 minute. Clean the designated peel surface area, and then use the wet paper onto the peel. Allow it sit there for several seconds, and then skin the paper off; the design should have transferred onto the skin. Use a damp cotton brawl to remove excess paper from the skin. Tap try the 'tattoo' with some paper towel or regular towel. And that's it!

iii. Sharpie Tattoos

For this method, it'south fourth dimension to go to the roots of your babyhood; the sharpie. Remember how you used to, equally a child, depict things on your arms using a sharpie. Well, you and other children were clearly onto something. Sharpie can be used to create splendid temporary tattoos in a matter of minutes. Hither's how y'all can do it!

Sharpie Tattoo
Credit: @erinmariedaily


  • For this method, y'all will need the post-obit supplies; a sharpie (preferably a black one but you can get for other colors too), alcohol wipes, baby powder, and a liquid bandage.
  • Besides, you will demand to have a design in mind that y'all'll use for the tattoo; nosotros recommend you get for elementary designs since detailing using a sharpie tin can exist hard to execute on peel.


  • For starters, you will utilize the alcohol wipes to clean the designated tattoo area. Information technology would be adept to describe somewhere on your arms since the skin is ordinarily smooth and hairless, and then the tattoo will plough out improve.
  • Unless you're an artist, your next footstep will be drawing a unproblematic shape or design to serve as your tattoo; beginning with really simple designs if information technology'south your first time, like a heart, a flower, initials, or even a engagement.
  • To ensure the sharpie will stay in place, yous can apply a thin layer of infant powder onto the 'tattoo'. Let the pulverization sit for about 10 seconds.
  • Apply a small corporeality of liquid bandage onto the 'tattoo'; this volition help the sharpie stay in place and it won't spread around.
  • Permit everything dry out thoroughly, and you're good to become.

This tattoo should last you upwards to four days, but information technology may stick effectually for a few more days if you place it somewhere where it won't exist exposed to water, for example. Nevertheless, the whole point of temporary tattoos is to take them on for a few days and have some fun. And then, if yous're looking for some short-term tattoo feel, then the sharpie method is an excellent alternative.

If you want to remove the sharpie tattoo, merely utilize some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball, and rub the sharpie away. It should take you a few seconds for the alcohol to offset breaking up the sharpie in the skin, and so make sure to exist gentle and patient.

Too Read: How To Make a Fake Tattoo With a Sharpie? – A Stride By Step Guide

Brand Your Own Temporary Tattoo: Bonus Option

Have you lot heard of Prinker? Well, if none of the aforementioned methods don't seem appealing to you, it is time for you to discover Prinker; a small device that applies temporary tattoos direct onto the pare. What an amazing time to be alive, right?

The Prinker is the world'south first device of this kind. It applies h2o-resistant temporary tattoos, which almost look like the existent deal. The tattoos are vivid, and you lot can selection whatsoever color you want.

Know More Details on Amazon

Here's what else can yous do with Prinker;

  • Y'all can create your own unique tattoo using the Prinker app.
  • You can choose one of 8000+ design made past tattooist and artist from around the globe
  • You tin easily remove the tattoos in a thing of seconds.
  • Yous tin can get a new tattoo every 24-hour interval since the Prinker set offers upward to 1000 tattoos.

All y'all have to do is choose a blueprint, your ain or amidst the available design, and send the design to your Prinker device.

And then, simply coil the Prinker device on your body and sentinel the magic unfold in forepart of your optics.

The Prinker-fabricated tattoos last up to three days, which is more i expects from a self-fabricated temporary tattoo.

Final Thoughts

Making your own temporary tattoo is surely more of a satisfying procedure than but buying 1. However, we e'er propose people with sensitive skin or skin conditions to refrain from these DIY methods where one is applying potentially toxic products not intended for skin use. This, of form, especially goes for products like hairspray and sharpie, which do incorporate potentially toxic ingredients.

So, if you lot do observe increased skin redness, rashes, itching, and burning, or whatever kind of allergic reaction, brand sure to wash the 'tattooed' area immediately. In more serious cases, seek medical attention as well.

Other than that, we likewise wish you to have a lot of fun trying out these methods. They always piece of work and ever plow out amazing. Allow u.s. know in the comments if you've tried them and how they turned out!

Besides Read:

  • Best Temporary Tattoos 2022: nine Things You Need To Know
  • 9 Best Faux Tattoo Sleeves 2022


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