
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Stream

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  1. 85% of reviews have 5 stars

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Peak reviews from the United states

Alex Beyer Reviewed in the United states of america on Apr 7, 2018

5.0 out of five stars

Movie is great, NEVER buying Amazon Digital again

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I honey the movie only didn't realise when you lot drib $15 on a digital re-create yous don't go to shop it on your pc and download it. This would be a non-issue if Amazon'southward streaming service wasn't complete garbage. As well ways, if they have the motion picture off the server, you lot don't have it anymore. Great. Good flick, I continued more to it than the first. Loved rocket (have a thing for raccoons) and the way they fleshed him out more. Meliorate movie overall than the get-go and another rare Marvel movie that does more than the others and stands out from the formula simply enough to brand you notice. Not every bit ambitious as Ragnarok, but more personally relatable.

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Kindle Customer Reviewed in the United States on September ane, 2017

five.0 out of five stars

Meliorate with supporting bandage breaking out.

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Dissimilar most sequels, this is ameliorate than the original. The main characters accept grown into their parts, but the best part is how supporting characters add texture, humour, and interest to the whole. The best parts are Yondu, Rocket, and Baby Groot.

I resisted watching the original film for a long time, not so with Vol ii. Don't await. Run across it often and make sure you have a copy to stream. It never gets old, just keeps getting better with each re-scout.

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4.0 out of five stars

A good effort to mix comedy and drama

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It is difficult to strike just the right remainder between comedy and drama in the same movie; so difficult that most writers and directors don't even attempt it.
"Guardians of the Milky way: Volume ii" comes very close to hit that residuum just falls a little fleck short.
The plot is convoluted - which is not necessarily a bad thing - so there is room for both humor and desolation in the body of this movie. There is also enough of activity to bridge the gaps between those parts of the moving-picture show that are aimed at making us express mirth and those scenes that are designed to give u.s. a lump in our throats.
I'one thousand not going to become into great detail about the plot considering that could spoil the film for those that have not yet seen information technology, but I will say that Peter Quill and his misfit coiffure are merely trying to brand a living doing jobs for various planets as they flit about the galaxy. They battle an inter-dimensional infinite monster on one of those jobs and so get into trouble with the leader of that planet... so much trouble that she sends a fleet of spaceships later Quill and Co. The result: More trouble as Quill'south former Ravager companions prepare out to find him in exchange for a huge reward.
In add-on, Quill finally connects with his missing father - a man (?) he never knew.
That doesn't go quite likewise equally either of them might accept hoped, however.
The special effects are on a par with other Marvel films, which is to say they are spectacular. The ensemble cast, headed by Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana is excellent and the management is pretty smooth given the circuitous script.
Where the movie falls brusk, in my opinion, is that it tries to cram too many pieces of candy into the jar. As a result, it's like shooting fish in a barrel to become distracted equally yous lookout the Guardians fight to not only save the galaxy but stay live in the process.
For that reason, I requite this picture 4.v stars instead of five.

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BB Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2021

two.0 out of 5 stars

Both movies are irritating and do non concur up

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I think of myself trying to watch this flick a second time and having to hear that cringy horrible reciting of lyrics by Russel to his Mom, and the song itself is merely grating and horrible 70'south bad songwriting, and don't get me started on Russel looking "young" and all the Ego CGI fights and Pratts horrible interim and the ridiculousness, and Russel was too really bad, I didn't buy anything he did in that motion-picture show. Ugh. Gunn is a hack director, verified by the fact he killed off Groot in the kickoff movie because they had no other ending, killing off the best, most powerful by far character in a very dull "super team" with no powers that they display because Gunn is a hack. Drax was a super scary killer in the first 5 minutes of the first film, so he was a stabby i liner auto clown who hardly did annihilation confronting Thanos, or anyone that mattered for 4 movies. He stabbed his fashion out of that idiotic looking monster at the first, and it was and so stupid if you had a brain you would be insulted someone came upwardly with that stupid chit, with baby Groot running around looking like a drawing, just horrible. Ronin was and so stupid looking it hurts, he is supposed to be ten feet tall, bigger than Thanos or Hulk and nosotros become some guy with crap smeared on his face and an absolutely stupid looking hoodie for a costume, and Pace just sounded stupid trying to exist scary. I could go on. Gamora? Rocket? Yawn. Who cares. Starlord with his stupid jet boots and his helmet and ray gun? Its just impaired, and the only reason these movies were made was because they had no correct to FF. Groot could accept been epic in Infinity and Endgame, they weren't even smart plenty to bring him back for the catastrophe somehow. Nope, nosotros get crippled "professor hulk" who also did nothing in that movie. And so many mistakes one subsequently another. Blob did NOTHING confronting Thanos, massive fail, Russo brothers or Feige or whoever. Nosotros'll become stuck with another poorly directed disaster from arrogant Gunn, who talked up his smashing taste in music and those songs he picked to highlight in these movies are as terrible as information technology gets. I practise not even want to call back about them. Some other example of how stupid this motion-picture show is, Gamora, who I gauge is super potent and invulnerable, or something, we never heard anything about what they could do, and when they are dragging Drax and she is belongings him they show her forcefulness, I estimate, but its all just so pointless. These movies are TERRIBLE, by far the worst Marvel has put out. DO Not allow James Gunn ruin FF.

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joel wing Reviewed in the United States on May thirteen, 2020

5.0 out of v stars

2d Guardians deals with fathers siblings and family unit westward/usual mix of music one-act action

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The second Guardians of the Milky way started off correct where the commencement moving picture left off. There was still the mix of music, one-act and action. This volume focused upon family unit. First in that location was the human relationship between Quill (Chris Pratt) and his newly discovered father Ego with a brilliant casting choice of Kurt Russell, and then the ties betwixt Quill and Yondu (Michael Rooker) who raised him. Secondary to that was the sibling rivalry between Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Nebula (Karen Gillan). Finally, there was the thought that the Guardians were a family.

The start showed the audition that Volume 2 was going to be just like volume 1. Rocket is making fun of Drax, a giant beast shows upwards, music starts diggings and Groot dances away while chasing after small little insects and rodents. He y'all take the one-act the activity and the characters.

The movie then sets upwards a comparing between the two father figures. Ego saves the Guardians from destruction by a group called the Sovereign. He then announces himself to the surprise of Quill. On the other hand, Yondu is rejected past his group the Ravagers because he was smuggling kids for Ego. That in fact, was how he institute Quill. Hence, i (Ego) is perceived as a hero, and the other (Yandu) is a criminal. The story will and so reveal whether these were true characterizations or not.

In the stop, the film resolves these stories on a rather eye warming notation.


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R. Jimenez Reviewed in the Us on November 22, 2017

5.0 out of 5 stars

Movie was great follow-upwards to office 1

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Pic was great follow-up to part 1. I felt like information technology was a little too mushy in relation to the "Star-Lord finding his long lost father". It was a good build up and reveal. But I felt like that took up more time than it should have. I get that they make movies to appeal to a broader spectrum of people aside from the Marvel crowd and so they beefed information technology up in that aspect. But it was more obvious in this pic, especially with the extra Drax comedy relief moments. The scenery was amazing, character development was great, only real complaint was Rocket going backwards in a sense of achievement and attitude. They just made him sort of a jerk in the pic and his alone action created a large ordeal. Overall still wouldn't boot this movie out of my collection by whatsoever ways equally is still has great replay value. I hope part 3 brings it all together and really makes this series the aureate standard for action/comic book movies.

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ORION Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2017

5.0 out of v stars


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Even though the showtime picture was awesome, I'd take to say Vol. 2 was better. The music was definitely ameliorate in Vol. 1, though.

Yondu stole the scene with that line, "I'm Mary Poppins you lot!" Hilarious!

Plenty of activity, great comedic scenes, and some adept character development. Story was interesting as well.

I come across critical reviews about the story beingness "light", "tedious", "okish". It reminds me of my friend who felt the same matter about Star Wars. Or, how executives at Trick decided to abolish "Firefly".. These people don't connect emotionally to the picture "feel". They're more like "idea entities", deconstructing and affectionate it, on how it agrees with their thoughts.

Interestingly enough, the story kind of delves into that. On whether existence is better with "pregnant" and "purpose", or better experienced with "heart".

It's that line from "Jerry Maguire", from Dicky Fox, "If this is empty (heart), this (head) doesn't matter."

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D. Goodwin Reviewed in the The states on August ane, 2022

5.0 out of v stars

Dude... the tears and heart break are real

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I watched both volumes back to back. I'd never seen them before. The first 1 had me tear up a little bit but not too bad. Dude... This i I was almost sobbing past the time the credits rolled. For a dude that grew up without a father or a existent male figure to look up to for most of my life this one hit dwelling house hard. It reminded me that my gramps in the short time I had him at the end of his life (five years before he followed my grandmother to the afterlife) was my Daddy. I had never actually thought nigh information technology or him similar that. Great, now I am crying again while writing this review.

The story is super relatable for me. I think just virtually everyone will observe something in it even if it isn't the father angle like it was for me.

Baby Groot was absolutely ambrosial and a much needed comedy relief at times when the story would get intense.

I loved seeing Stallone and Russell in the picture show. I grew upwardly watching both of those men in various sci-fi and action movies. I call back the final time they were in a movie together that I remember was Tango and Cash. Not sci-fi merely yet a bang-up movie.

My best friend says there is going to be a third volume. I can't wait to go see it. I might fifty-fifty take myself out to the bulldoze-in instead of waiting to rent it on here!

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