
How Many Tattoos And Piercing Does Pitbull Have

As feminism-infused women lay waste to modernistic culture past destroying men and families, it is becoming more than important than ever for the awakened men to filter out these toxic women from their lives. While much is said about the intricacies of female nature and women'southward ability to toy with man's passions, there is a faster and more efficient method to detect red flags out of women: through their body characteristics. You see, different words that can be easily manipulated, it is far more difficult to hibernate one'south true nature expressed in the face and elsewhere. A adult female's personality tend to exist expressed through her torso more than she realizes.

While the following characteristics may seem obvious when pointed out, it may exist much harder to recognize them when you lot're actually interacting with women. And in one case yous do observe them next fourth dimension, know that it's non plenty to only turn down having a relationship with these women; if possible, you must avoid them completely lest their toxic negativity poisons you.

1. Fish Oral cavity


Women with fish mouth ever have some serious attitude bug. They have fleck on their shoulders and they're looking for ways to stir conflict non-stop. If you're ever wondering how they fifty-fifty developed those mouths, information technology'due south the issue of their abiding snarking and bitching. Not surprisingly, many feminists and SJW's (including some men) acquit this tell-tale sign on their faces.

2. Aberrant Body Modifications

Dyed pilus, butchered hair, tattoos like a gang member, piercings and rings like a pirate, and other freakish ways to attention-whore are all huge reddish flags. I wouldn't even care for a man who turns his body into a post-modern fine art seriously, so why should y'all with women?

3. The G Cock Stare


The m cock stare is hard to describe in words: you either recognize it or you don't. I think the best way to draw it would be equally a vapid lifelessness of a adult female who'south trying her best to hibernate her slut past and post-wall agony. It'south not surprising that they often resemble a recovering aficionado—which they are, in some means. They as well tend to look older than their existent age as excessive alcohol and cocks destroyed their youth. I knew one gorgeous girl, who was the closest thing to a 10 I've seen in my life, hit the wall with visible TCS by the time she reached 24.

iv. Crazy Eyes

Guess what this i ended up doing.

Crazy eyes are so glaringly obvious that I'grand surprised there are men who still marry these women. If the eyes are the window to the man soul, you can tell that these women are deranged and unstable. Having a relationship with a crazy eyed adult female is every bit dangerous every bit carrying a box of nitroglycerine on a shopping cart that only has iii wheels.

v. Too Much Makeup

I've never plant girls who are afraid to bear witness their natural face bonny, and for a adept reason. Women who cover their face with makeup are not only hiding their ugly faces simply besides their ugly personalities as well. I have yet to meet a decent woman who constantly wears thick makeup (even when swimming). On the other hand, I by and large find that the less makeup a woman puts on, the more pleasant her personality and attitude is.

vi. No Grinning Or Imitation Smile

"Could y'all exist then nice as to do me a favor you would never practise if I didn't accept a vagina?"

The reason why men tell women to smile more and why feminists get berserk in response is considering a smiling can tell you a lot about a woman. I go the impression that North American women stopped smiling at a collective level to put up a bitch shield confronting the hordes of thirsty males.

On the flip side, I find that more and more than women are using fake smiles to tease their beta-orbiters into currying favors. For the desperate simps, even the slightest female person approval is the closest matter to a sexual practice they'll always experience, which is why they'll always be fix to spring whatever amount of hoops in social club to earn information technology—and the women know this. I girl (who was much younger than I) tried to turn me into her retainer by telling me to fetch something for her. You lot should have seen simply how fast her fake smile disappeared when I told her "no."

7. Middle Finger

Would yous put a band on her adjacent finger?

I don't know where girls started getting the idea that it'southward hip to be crass, but the phenomenon is epidemic now. I've fifty-fifty seen 1 teenage daughter give the finger to her father as a joke (the cuck but laughed it off). At that place's no reason for a woman, even every bit a joke, to exist using the finger.

8. Forward Caput

Belligerent and confrontational women beloved to go far people's faces. If you encounter a daughter who habitually pushes her head frontward similar a chicken to make a indicate, lose her. You accept nothing to gain by interacting with her.

Forwards caput as a posture may also be a sign of too much cellphone use. Also, it but looks manifestly ugly. One of the things I noticed about foreign women when I moved out of North America is how almost all of them have a much graceful posture with their heads straight up.

9. Alpha Smirk

The blastoff smirk isn't even common amidst men as information technology is only used by the smug and cocky ones who are total of themselves (not that information technology'southward necessarily a bad thing for a human). So, if you run across a woman is doing information technology, y'all can be certain that she is pure toxic. I have yet to meet a woman who smirks who weren't total manipulative, back-stabbing, dark-triad whore.

10. The "Tough Girl" Look


A sign of high testosterone. These chicks desire to be seen as tough and they volition put upward this forepart every bit if they just grew a dick. I admit I used recollect these "tough" chicks were hot, but that was when I was thirteen years erstwhile.

Newsflash: If you call back girls with this wait or personality is attractive, you're most likely a supplicating simp.

11. Cavalier Look

Similar to tough expect, women today seem to think that their inflated SMV value and career elevates them far above the commoners they meet around them. Even if woman is deservedly in a high position, her lack of modesty equates to arrogance and zilch empathy. It'south no surprise that many of these women tin can't concur onto a man and will virtually likely die alone.

12. Forced Deep Voice

Some other pathetic try to puff up and appear stronger than they actually are. This is rare, but I've really seen few cringe-worthy women who would deliberately lower their voices to yell in people's faces. In that location's null reason for a woman to strength herself to audio more than like a human being. Mock or avoid these types completely.

xiii. Hands On Hips

The universal "I'grand a woman begging for your respect" pose.

You'll encounter this torso language with insecure career women desperate for anybody else around them to meet them every bit being strong and capable. Anything brusque of groveling volition trigger these type of women into a hissy fit. Equally an example, I personally had one older manager (who was badly single) who would e'er do this pose with her hands non on her hips, but all the mode upwards almost at her breast level. She also had x, xi, and 12 listed above. Anybody at piece of work thought she was obnoxious and ridiculous, but didn't do anything to challenge her. I was the only person who would non take her shit. And every time I refused to "respect" her, she would throw a tantrum similar a fat kid being denied an water ice-cream. Eventually, she filed a false accusation against me just equally I started being more soft towards her.

My experience shows that even if yous're not in relationship with these women, and even if you try to brownnose to them, they volition find ways to infect y'all with their blackened soul. Exist enlightened and be alert. Because if yous allow your guard down, they volition destroy y'all.

Read More: 10 Reasons Why You Must Study Body Language


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