
What Is The Pplastic Skin That Tattoo Shops Use

Protective Tattoo Film vs Cling Film: Pros and Cons

When getting a tattoo, you expect the creative person's piece of work to exist articulate and bold.

However, it can exist difficult to keep tattoos in pristine status, peculiarly while they are in the healing stages. Luckily, though, tattoo technology has evolved over the terminal few ye ars, and n ew and innovative tattoo aftercare products have been developed by tattoo artists.

This fashion your tattoos can stay protected and heal properly.

In the past, cling film was used to help clients' tattoos heal. Now, a new class  of tattoo aftercare has arrived. Protective tattoo motion picture is one of the best means to cover and mend peel subsequently a tattooing session.

tattoo protective film

In this post, we'll be talking more than virtually  this product in detail. Nosotros'll also discuss the pros and cons of protective tattoo picture vs the traditional cling motion-picture show. This way y'all can decide whether this is the correct aftercare product for you.

What is a Protective Tattoo Moving-picture show?

In curt, protective tattoo film is sparse, self-adhesive motion picture used to protect fresh tattoos in the first days of healing. This film is used on newly tattooed skin and can aid heal and protect the upper layers of the dermis.

After a tattoo is inked into the skin, information technology is susceptible to infection and even damage. Every bit a tattoo aficionado, y'all desire your skin to heal cleanly, this fashion your tattoo stays well-baked and vibrant for many years.

Protective tattoo fil ms ensure this event and help the skin heal during this critical fourth dimension.

These films are lightweight, breathable, waterproof, stretchable and offer the best possible skin protection for your tattoos.

How Does Protective Tattoo Film Work and How do Y'all Use it?

S till, how exactl y practise protective tattoo films work, and how practice you apply them?


Protective tattoo film is a self-agglutinative product. Yous simply place the film on your pare and information technology volition stick without having to put any other products on.

Best on dry peel

Dry skin is platonic for the applic ation of this film, and you won't have to worry well-nigh the breathability of this product. Oxygen naturally enters the textile of the film, and moisture leaves the film quickly which will preclude infection.

protective tattoo film

Sturdy protective layer

In short, the flick creates a sturdy protective layer  between the outside earth and the tattoo. This antibacterial barrier keeps skin safety and the tattoo safe. In addition, the healing enzymes i due north the skin are locked into place for optimal tattoo outcomes.

It tin embrace large areas

Protective tattoo film can likewise exist placed on any surface area of the trunk and will cover upward large chunks of skin hands. This aftercare film should be changed regularly, every bit well. And, yous tin can even  put healing ointment underneath the film to speed up healing and  brand removal of the film easier.

sorry mom tattoo film

How Long Should You Leave Protective Tattoo Film on?

After a tattoo is first completed, the film can stay attached to the skin for upwards to 24 hours. Afterward 24h, information technology is recommended to put on a new 1, which can be used upwards to three to v days.

The verbal amount of time the flick needs to stay on will depend, of class. But at the most instruct it is recommended to keep information technology on for 24 hours . Then we recommend to replace the film after the 24 hours are up.

While this is an effective and safe product to use, protective tattoo films should not exist left on all the fourth dimension.

protective tattoo film

Nonetheless, if the flick is getting soggy or filling with blood, though, it should be replaced every viii hours. In some cases, someone might need to change the film, every 4 or 6 hours. In improver, modify the film if information technology gets really muddy.

Read Also: How Long Should I Keep My Tattoo Wrapped?

Pros and Cons:  Comparison Protective Film vs Cling Film

In this final section, we'll be comparison the pros and cons of protective tattoo film and cling movie. Both products accept their positives and negatives, but you'll see that  protective tattoo picture show has a style more benefits in comparing to cling film.


- Breathability and flexibility

Ane of the biggest pros  of protective tattoo picture show is its breathability and flexibility. With protective film, tattoos tin breathe more than hands an d will stay free from infection. This tin can really help speed forth the recovery process.

- Perfect for an active lifestyle

In addition, protective tattoo film is also easy to apply and super flexible. You won't feel uncomfortable wearing this type of tattoo protection. In fact, it is like shooting fish in a barrel to move around with this tattoo film.

Protective tattoo film conforms to the body and doesn't move around or shift a lot.

- Can exist used in the shower

Y ou can also shower with this film, as well. You lot don't desire to dose your film in water, but it can be easier to go in the shower with  this particular protective flick.


It is hard to detect cons when using protective film,  though.

For example, non all people can utilise this film. Some people could be allergic to the materials in the film -it is very rare though-.

Really, there are not too many downsides with this production.

Our advice is just to monitor your inked skin for it to heal fully. And so, y'all  need to change the moving picture when it leaks or gets full. This way your skin stays safe.


Cling film does not accept the best reputation  these days. However, it does have some positive points.

In fact, cling film is cracking if you lot desire a super uncomplicated solution to proceed bacteria out of a tattoo. Information technology has to be inverse regularly, though, but it can finer act every bit a barrier confronting germs and other microbial organism s.


In addition, cling film is cheap and non difficult to apply.

Cling picture can be a skillful culling if you are on a budget, but for the coin information technology costs to get protective tattoo film vs the benefits you get, we still call back it's a better option.


Not breathable

One thing to know about cling film is that information technology is not as breathable  every bit protective tattoo films. If you change it regularly it won't get infected. Still, your skin won't become as much oxygen as information technology would with protective films.


Some other downside of cling film is its rigidness. It can be bad-mannered and downright uncomfortable wear ing cling movie around your pare. This is unlike a protective film, which is easier and more convenient to habiliment on the skin.

Final Thoughts

Overall, protective tattoo films are a keen choice for tattoo artists, tattoo shop owners and tattoo enthusiasts.

This breathable and innovati ve technology tin can fundamentally change the healing process of tattoos. Just of class, you desire to consider both the pros and cons of this product.

If you ask us, there'southward no way around it: showtime using protective tattoo film, and you will see the difference.

We hope this postal service helped you to make up one's mind whether you lot desire to stick to the old school cling flick or try all the benefits of professional person protective tattoo film!

What Is The Pplastic Skin That Tattoo Shops Use,


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